First Look: The AIPAD Photography Show
March 16, 2012 | Source: Monroe Gallery of Photography

Stephen Wilkes, Coney Island, Day To Night, 2011 Monroe Gallery of Photography Booth #419
Via Gotham Magazine
Whether you're seeking that perfect print by Diane Arbus (you know the one, the identical twin girls in pinafores) or something new from a contemporary photographer, such as a multimedia wall relief made of LED lights by Jim Campbell, you'll likely find what you're looking for at the annual photography fair organized by the Association of International Photography Art Dealers, better known as AIPAD. Now in its 32nd year, AIPAD will be held at the Park Avenue Armory from March 29 through April 1, with offerings ranging from rare 19th-century material to the latest works by today's digital artists.
"AIPAD is definitely worth two or three visits, not one drive-through," says William Hunt, a top collector in the field.