John Loengard: Encounters With Great Photographers
December 8, 2011 | Source: Monroe Gallery of Photography

William Wegman. All images © John Loengard/Courtesy Monroe Gallery
PDN Photo of the Day displays photographs selected by the editors of Photo District News, a publication for photo professionals.
The photos on this blog come from a variety of sources. All images are published with permission of the photographer or copyright owner, are handouts provided for press use, or are images known to be in the public domain. PDN cannot give you permission to copy or publish these images. Whenever possible, we provide a link to the copyright owner or publisher of the original image.
PDN Photo of the Day, December 8, 2011:
A new exhibition of the work of LIFE magazine staff photographer and editor John Loengard's black-and-white photographs is currently showing through the end of January at the Monroe Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Full post here.