August 29, 2009 | Source: Monroe Gallery of Photography

As the summer season wanes, September in Santa Fe is busy with events.
Santa Fe, America's Oldest Capital City, is having its 400th Anniversary and the celebration starts September 5. The 400th Anniversary kick-off event will launch the 16 month Commemoration on Labor Day weekend. Taking place on September 5th and 6th at Fort Marcy Park, ¡VIVA! Santa Fe is a FREE cultural festival on Magers Field. More information here.
The cry of "Viva la Fiesta" has been reverberating through the streets of Old Santa Fe every autumn for 297 years. The sound generates a curious blend of thanksgiving, revelry and pride in the hearts of Santa Feans who celebrate Fiesta annually to commemorate Don Diego De Vargas' reoccupation of the City of Holy Faith in 1692. Fiesta weekend starts with the annual burning of "old man gloom", Zozobra, on September 10.
These are only a couple of the numerous events scheduled through September, check the calender here for a full list.
September is also your last chance to see the Gallery's exhibit, "A Thousand Words: Masters of Photojournalism". Gathered together for the first time are 60 examples of the greatest photographs from the field of photojournalism. We have often seen these photographs reproduced numerous times in newspapers, magazines, books and documentaries. Universally relevant, they reflect the past, the present, and the changing times. These unforgettable images are embedded in our collective consciousness; they are defining moments chronicling our visual history. They are, indeed, worth a thousand words.
Behind the scenes we are hard at work preparing for the Stephen Wilkes' retrospective exhibition, opening October 2. Stephen Wilkes will be here for the opening, and present a very special gallery talk from 5-6 PM. Featured in the exhibition are large-format photographs from several of Wilkes' major projects, including: America in Detail, Bethlehem Steel, In Katrina's Wake, Ellis Island, China; and a selection of new photographs.
We hope to see you in September!
-- Sid and Michelle Monroe