The Age of Rage: Protest, Camera, Action

September 22, 2024 | Source: Monroe Gallery of Photography


Via The Nation

September 21, 2024

"Photography radically acts as a language that speaks for the world’s oppressed and critically functions as a vital visual voice of resistance."

"Photography helps us understand what we are and imagine what we might become...

The fight for equality across the human condition radically evolves out of protest. Beyond the jackboots, the batons, the water cannon, the tear gas, the bullets, the tanks, the fences, the walls, the concentration camps and all means of surveillance, history teaches that what power fears more than anything is a people on the move against injustice. Looking at the history of photography, we can understand that progress across the political terrain of human rights has been difficult. Marginalized bodies, when divided, are vulnerable to capture, control and genocide. Thinking through our past in photographs and decentering the knowledge formations of imperial lenses means that we can critically join or remake the politics of the left intersectional, aligned in mission, and truly inclusive. This will create waves of solidarity and supportive modes of resistance that strategically enable people to embrace the different ecologies of freedom and resist imperialist politics that divide and rule" -- click for full article

Tags: Civil Rights history press human rights journalism photojournalism protest photography